Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius! In case you didn't hear, Valentine's Day, 2009 was the official beginning of the Age of Aquarius when Jupiter aligns with Mars. And here on the farm, we have all been basking in the transformation Dad has undergone in the last two weeks. He is strong, vibrant, clear, loving, energetic and hilarious. Today, after surveying the property and determining future projects with Mom and Aaron, he and I (Katheryn) spent some quality time "in the office" working through the many ins and outs of the family business. His appetite is back, the pain is still mostly gone, and he was so thankful for his energy today. His next chemo therapy treatment is on Thursday. He does have an interesting thing happening to the skin on his face where little areas are scabbing, however, he still looks great and he has an appointment to get his skin checked soon.

The garden level renovation is going strong. We also cherished a week with Lumi, who traveled all the way from Virginia and filled our table with our favorite Puerto Rican specialties. Grandma Evey returned from her adventures on the East Coast last week and she's jumped back into her passion, singing and helping the St. John's Church festivities. We also enjoyed taking Sharon (Patrick Laughlin's mother) on adventure tours during her visit last week as she thawed out from the Minnesota winter.

Next Up on the Pettie Ohana Calendar:
We can't wait to see Seth on Friday! He'll be here for 10 days.
And Aaron's 22nd Birthday is on February 22 (Sunday).

The weather has been lovely and the energy here has been upbeat. On Valentine's Day, David, Shanna, and the rest of the family bonded listening to two of the island's most talented singers at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center. We hope you are all sharing your love and light daily with those you love.

Let the sun shine in!

Last Trivia:
What is a "Menehune?" Menehune are a mythological people in Hawaii who are said to be a small, hard-working people who have been known to build purposeful structures (like rock walls) for those who need their help. They are sort of like a Hawaiian version of worker Elves who make shoes in the middle of the night for the shoe maker.

Next Trivia:
What year did the song "Aquarius" get released? And what were you doing that year (if you know the song)?


  1. Hooray for blog posts! It is so good to hear about all the positive energy and bustling activity on the farm.

    Turns out, I answered the last quiz correctly. Now time to negotiate my prize;) I'm thinking coffee!!! I hear that your coffee bush is filled with buds. Seth has a lot of work to do (picking, drying, hulling, and roasting) during his ten day stay :)



  2. DEAR, DEAR Friends!

    SO GLAD to hear you are having a joyous and happy season of love! Do the seasons in Hawaii change much? It sounds like a kind of springtime (at least that's what we are looking forward to here)!

    And I'm certainly old enough to know the trivia answer, but I have no idea what year the song was released! But once I hear the answer, I can tell you what I was doing--I think!

    LOVE to ALL!!

    Martha (and Berny)

  3. The song and the musical Hair were about '68 or '69, as I recall. What I was doing: finishing high school, and preparing to meet my fate -- at Ragged Mt Ranch, the home of the fabulous Petties! I hope Seth is keeping everyone well fed, and also so glad to hear that David is feeling sparkier. Thanks for this blog, and Love to all from Sherry
