Friday, September 25, 2009

September 24, 2009

We closed his eyes. Aaron kissed his forehead. Mom held his hand. Aaron folded Dad's hands across his chest and placed a lit candle between them. This morning we bathed him in lavender oil and his body was taken. His spirit was already free.

Flying, soaring. Over the mountains of Glacier National Park, through the arches and above the timeless rivers that wind through the Canyon Lands, he sat on the boulders on Old Rag, he flew through the sparkling lights of Paris at night, he sat in the light of stained glass windows at Chartres Cathedral, raced a train carrying cargo through the tunnels of the Rockies, he kissed you on your forehead, a goodnight/good morning/good afternoon/good life kiss, you are blessed. We are blessed to have had such an extraordinary man as our father, husband, brother, uncle, cousin, best friend, loyal companion, strong partner, and love-filled soul mate.

He was with us then and is with us now and always. Watch for his guidance. Delight in life, the way he always did.

We miss him terribly, but we are strong. We are reminiscing, adjusting, praying, loving, and we will work on healing. At this time, we do not have anything planned for a memorial service, we will let everyone know when we have some of the details. What we would like most at this time is your prayer and emails/blog posts are great. Answering if the phone is not as easy for us yet.

We love you all terribly. Thank you for your support through life and through this experience.

We have included a poem written by Shanna and other notes from us below. Please feel free to add to it.

Our Love - the Petties

Hands - Poem by Shanna

September 12, 2009

I sit next to the lazy boy chair where he feels most comfortable
Holding hands,
I’m looking at our wedding rings- too thin to stay round or smooth when they adorn such busy hands.

Our hands –
Encouraging hands pulling each other up mountains, up to rooftops, up cathedral towers, to wherever the eagle’s perspective, physical and metaphysical, could be found;
My words will be beautiful, O Spirit, as I walk the beauty trail.

Steadying hands for crossing all the rushing streams with tippy rocks, up to, in, over and through waterfalls, then stopping and breathing in the happiness- charged ions;
Filling up and spilling over, it’s an endless waterfall.

Playful hands doing cross-body and pretzel leads with special finger holds – little signals to make me spin one way or the other across the dance hall, the living room rug, the kitchen floor, the asphalt driveway in front of the church for the fund-raiser, the concrete plaza beneath the twin towers, the straw-covered grass in the pig tent at the county fair dance demo, on the French street where the band played oldies under the stars;
All the world was our dance floor.

Encouraging hands helping our children learn to walk, to write, to throw, to do somersaults, to play music, to use a hammer, to drive a tractor, to check the oil, to ride a bike, to fill in an account book, to draw building plans, to massage away stress, to reach out to those needing help climbing their mountains;
To everything there is season.

Clapping hands in appreciation for anyone who had the courage to perform, for Katheryn singing, for Aaron in the drama club, for Seth dancing in Hello Dolly, for street musicians and artists, for handicapped kids in the camp talent show, for any kid who achieved a goal;
This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.

Preparing hands –trailers, vans being readied for how many thousands of miles of adventures, packing flashlights, tools, a change of underwear, lots of food, a pile of kids and inflatable inner tubes- off we go. We never tired of heartland farmhouses , snow-covered mountains, beautiful architecture, fascinating science and history museums, and warm homes of welcoming friends.
Just can’t wait to get on the road again.

Healing hands easing childbirth pain, rubbing feet when parents were sick, kneeding the devil-knots in shoulders, relaxing necks of all of our guests and friends whenever they sat near, believing in the power of loving intention;
It is in giving that we receive.

Building hands, calloused by hammers, drills, nail-guns, mat knives, wrenches, chisels, saws – as we renovated and built houses, work teams and community. When you whistle and sing any happy medley of songs, no job is too hard;
Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together-in unity.

Planting hands plying shovels, cane knives and buckets of water as we transformed raw land into landscapes. Watching nature miraculously turn seeds and sticks into flowers and fruit, palms and papayas, shade and sustenance;
Praise for them springing fresh from the Word!

Learning hands accessing I-university podcasts about economics, Eckhart Tolle, astronomy, engineering, history, biology, investment, natural healing, and goofy candid camera pranks. Learning by doing-to repair, to build, to manage problems by thinking outside-the-box;
You are the potter, I am the clay.

Praying hands, being fully present in this moment, clasped in the hands of family, expressing appreciation, security, comfort; feeling Christ through earthly hands held in love;
Where there is charity and unconditional love, there is God

Connecting hands gratefully in circles of friends - at our wedding, at our dining table, at our picnics on beaches, mountaintops, flower covered knolls, in churches, on roofs;
Any place was a good place to remember
No man is an island.

David's Values

Dad loved to make lists and to write down important things to remember. Here's a list we've started of some of his most important lessons and his values. Please feel free to add to our list if you are so inspired. This list is ongoing.

1. Be truthful
2. Be generous
3. Be gracious
4. Learn from all experiences, people and resources available in your life. David had a teachable spirit.
5. Be prepared and expect things to change. (Expect the best and plan for the worst).
6. Be flexible
7. Be open
8. Be extroverted, even if it's not your natural inclination, you'll experience a lot more.
9. Be helpful
10. There is a God. God is Love. Souls are eternal.
11. Be wise with your money and resources.
12. Don't complain, if you don't like something change it, change your mindset, or change your situation.
13. Don't gossip - no good ever comes from it.
14. Love thy neighbor, even the crazy ones.
15. This is your life, make of it what you will.
16. Be wary of government involvement.
17. Nobody wants to be in a hospital.
18. Family is the first priority and family includes blood relatives and ALL of your extended ohana (close friends).
19. Love yourself
20. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Don't try to change others, all you can do is point them in the right direction for personal growth.
21. Your word is your bond.
22. Don't waste food.
23. Always stop for road side fruit or sweet corn stands.
24. Stand up for what is right.
25. Be strong and be peaceful.
26. Write lists.
27. Change your oil (maintain your vehicles and your tools).
28. Be loyal
29. Earn respect, give respect
30. Find a view, then take the time to enjoy it.
31. Take pleasure in sunsets, snow-capped mountains, cozy lodges, wide open skies, deserts, warm breezes, hot springs, starry skies, and the ulalena (light rains of Haiku).

I've Seen Heaven and It Was In Your Eyes

I saw the light in your eyes. Was it in them or beyond them? Shining, sparkling. You smiled and sometimes you laughed. You held my hand, stroked my hair, held me tight and rocked me gently like you used to do when I was a baby.

You held mom's hand and will for eternity. You pulled Aaron close, held his hands and touched foreheads together. A transfer of love, of responsibility, of life.

I laughed, I smiled. I cried too, but mostly one look at your brilliance and I had to smile.

You were there, the place without pain, without nausea, without loss. You were there, bathing in joy. Your eyes showed me a glimpse of your new world. You were excited and ready, you wanted us to see that. To know where you were going.

I will miss you. I have been missing you. Guide me until I see you again.


Friday, September 11, 2009


Aloha, thank you everyone! I feel your support.
David is composing himself internally, and is extremely sensitive to all vibes, sounds, music, people--so even visits from close friends or phone calls are not what he wants right now. He asked me to tell everyone we know he loves them now and always and not to take his quietness personally.

Feeling that someone needs him to do, or be, something makes him anxious. He asked me to do as much of the Hospice intake as possible without him - so Aaron, Katheryn, and I are keeping the house very peaceful and his space prayerful and gently supportive. He is most secure with Aaron when he is vomiting so Aaron stays close by even through the night with me.

I am still giving him IV with Zofran for nausea, and the pain seems controlled with morphine. When he is ready, we will reduce the hydration, now that Hospice is on board. We are grateful that Mike Brandt is here and helping in the background by cooking at Evey's house since David can't handle the smells.

Love to all, Shanna

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Aye Eye Matey

Seth arrived on Sunday for a short visit. We celebrated last night with a full-on turkey dinner, thanksgiving-in-august extravaganza. We enjoyed each others company over stuffing and pumpkin pie. Unfortunately, Dad was not feeling up for the smells, sights, and sounds of dinner, so he stayed in the quiet of the room. At the moment, George, Seth, and Aaron are off hiking and swimming at Twin Falls.

Lately, David has had a sharp pain above his eye socket and it seems to be accompanied by double-vision and headaches. On the plus side, the massive swelling in his feet (picture hobbit feet, each looking like it weighs about 5 pounds) is completely gone and his feet are back to normal. David will be finishing the round of antibiotics for his staph infection this week and then we'll see what the next game plan will be.

To prevent his double-vision, David has begun to wear a black sweat band like an eye patch over one eye. His new accessory gives him quite the pirate air. Next, we'll see how he feels about a parrot for his shoulder.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wacky Wednesday

On Sunday, George, Shanna, Andrea, David, and I attempted a trip to the beach.  It was nice and sunny, but a constant blasting wind relentlessly battered us and kept us closer to the protection of the trees.  David enjoyed sitting under the trees in a nice shady spot with the ocean in the distance.

Since then, David has been to the beach and to the doctor's office, but for the most part, when he is home, he tries to stay very quiet and still.  His stomach continues to cause him a lot of trouble. Also, his eyesight is blurry sometimes.

Today, Mom and Aaron are getting dirty in the garden.  I (Katheryn) really enjoyed my first day teaching ESL classes.  I have 13 advanced students from 7 countries (Japan, Vietnam, China, Syria, Switzerland, Italy, and Korea), which makes for a really fun class.  They love the diversity as much as I do.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Aloha Friday

David's Comfort-o-Meter:
Sunday was grrreat!
Monday was ok/pretty good.
Tuesday was ok/less good.
Wednesday was more uncomfortable/lethargic.
Thursday was much more nauseated/uncomfortable.
Friday is very very sad stomach/not at all good feeling night/morning.

David threw up many times yesterday and last night he's been throwing up about on the hour despite taking nausea medicines. He has thrush and it's possible that candida throughout the system may be causing the extreme nausea. Even when he's done throwing up, he still feels like a horse kicked him in the stomach. Shanna is working on getting some yogurt and coconut milk in him to combat the fungus and dehydration. He currently feels a needle-like pain in his shoulder. He has also been told that his veins are collapsing, making it more difficult to give him an IV. The seemingly endless nausea/throwing up has dampened David's spirits considerably. It's hard to wonder if it will ever stop and not being confidently told, yes, you will feel better after this is over is understandably depressing.

George arrived on a rainy Tuesday afternoon. He has been accompanying David to his hospital visits. Yesterday, Shanna, David and George all enjoyed a beautiful, calm afternoon at the beach. As always, it's wonderful to have George helping out around the house and his humor enlivening the spirits on the farm.

Patrick (Laughlin) has been very busy remodeling Aunt Andrea's kitchen; demo work, changing walls, installing new lighting, outlets, etc., hanging drywall, and working hard to make her workspace the kitchen of her dreams.

Aaron has been working on the back deck and finishing up the siding project on the main house.

Katheryn has been busy preparing to teach three ESL classes that begin next week.

Three movies we watched in the last week:
1. Pirates of Penzance (We love this goofy musical).
2. Across the Universe (Very interesting, if you like the Beatles and the 1960s, you'll enjoy).
3. King Corn (Good documentary on America's shift to diet of corn, through corn sweeteners, corn-fed meat, and corn additives in processed food).

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Pain Pain Go Away

Yesterday evening, David's pain level began to spike dramatically to the point of wondering if he should go to the hospital for higher doses of morphine. Eventually, with enough morphine pills, marijuana, and putting his fentanyl patch back on (a slow release pain med. patch) he got the pain under control and had a very good night. Patrick and Katheryn took night duty to let Shanna get some rest.

Today, David is feeling gggrrrreeeat! We all went out to breakfast and he has been cruising around in his GoGo surveying the property. He is looking forward to having many more days like this.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Adventures in IV Land

After his successful port removal on Thursday, David had a catheter put into his vein on his left arm that would be replaced every three days so he can receive his antibiotics/etc.  Today, a home health nurse came by to show Shanna how to give him the IV antibiotics... and what is supposed to be a 5 minute project turned into an hour long struggle to figure out whether or not the catheter was working properly.  Eventually, the nurse gave up, removed that catheter, and put a new catheter into a vein on his right hand and was at long last, able to give him his antibiotic dose for the day.  Hurray!

These sorts of stories are what I will now refer to as Adventures in IV Land.  IV Land like a video game where you wonder around a vast wilderness with a hand-written, water-stained, barely legible map translated from Latin that is supposed to lead you to your hidden treasure (magnificent hydration, invaluable antibiotics, and a genie in a bottle named Taxitare).  You have to be very careful because you are surrounded and distracted by evil bacteria disguised as an unobtrusive objects like an innocent light switch or a ringing phone, and every time you crest a mountain or round a curve in the trail, you think you're set, almost there, the treasure will be yours in no time, muuuahhahaha and then you get stuck in quicksand, have to search high and low for tiny vines (read veins) that seem to always be right outside your reach, and finally when you've done it! You made it to the bonus round!  Your queen will be so happy!  You celebrate!  And then you realize that you will be sailing off to the next adventure in the morning. 

Ahhhh, to the life of an adventurer.

(I must give credit to the newest Indiana Jones movie for inspiring me to write this story. However, Shanna and I do not recommend it, giving it a failing grade of a D+.  Thank you NetFlix).

If you have any great movies you think Shanna and the fam would enjoy, please leave their titles in the comments section.  We go through movies like Lance Armstrong crosses finish lines, fast and smiling.  (Shanna's favorite genres include happy movies, musicals, foreign films, and nothing sad, with too much drama, or scary). 


This morning David had another blood transfusion because he is anemic again. He has had fevers and today he is very weak and tired, however, his pain is low and his mind clear. His port removal was very successful and he is feeling much less distraught now that it's over.

The focus for the next few days/week will be getting him to eat. Attempting to get in supplements disguised in foods/drinks when he does. And continuing the antibiotic IV.

We're all looking forward to seeing George soon!

Aaron is off to Lanai for a two-day Pirate costume party/treasure hunt/beach day/sailing trip.

Patrick and I are sitting on the couch watching Whale Wars and eating brownies and ice cream.

And that's all folks....

Love Bugs Bunny

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Good news! They checked David's heart and it is healthy and doesn't have any of the staph infection. He is currently recovering from the anesthesia they gave him to remove his port this morning. He was very nervous about this surgery, but it seems to have gone well.

Physically, his head and body were achy last night.

Also, David told me last night that he wants me to find Donald Trump's hairstylist so he can get that magnificent poof/pullover hairdo.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

And the Wheel Grinds

Well, shoot. We had that fantastic day (Monday) and we were all feeling very optimistic and light hearted. Then the wheel took another turn. Yesterday, David had some very unfortunate news.... which has brought on a lot of emotions in addition to the stress of determining next steps.

David got a call from his doctor telling him that a recent blood culture shows that David has a staph infection. Staph infections are very dangerous if not treated immediately with the most powerful antibiotics. The unfortunate consequences of this news are many 1) tomorrow (Thursday) David will have his port surgically removed because staph have a tendency to thrive on foreign objects in the body... This means that in order to get a saline drip for hydration, antibiotic IVs, and chemo IVs he will have to get it the normal way, through his veins each time, which is very wearing on his small veins and more work to set up. 2) He will need to get a high dose of antibiotics through an IV each day for a few weeks (up to a month) to kill the infection. 3) As long as he is on antibiotics, he will not be able to continue his chemo therapy.

This news has brought a great deal of fear, emotional distress, and tension for David and for the rest of us. It's especially hard because things were looking up. I think it's been even harder on David because he not only had this bad news, but it was so unexpected and that it has plunged him down from the heights we had all reached two days ago with little to cushion his fall.

Nonetheless, we all know we're riding a wild roller coaster ride and that it will have it's drastic highs, gut-wrenching free falls, spins and turns and that you have to brace yourself, hang-on to who ever is next to you, and know that it will all unfold as it will.

More updates will come tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

And the Wheel Turns

I think I'm just going to have to write quick updates nearly every day... because everything seems to change that quickly.

Yesterday, Aug. 3, Dad was infinitely better. It's pretty amazing actually. He went to IHOP after going to see the radiation doctor. He was very coherent and clear minded. He was funny and social and talkative. He wasn't in much pain or very nauseated and he didn't have a fever. A perfectly normal 98.6 (which is cause to celebrate in this house). It was heaven.

We all (Katheryn, Aaron, Patrick, and Mom) all ate dinner with him in the bedroom and stayed up talking and hanging out till 1:00am.

Dad is trying out his vaporizer (for medical marijuana) again and seeing how that feels. Today Dad will be going to see his naturpath/acupuncturist. I'm about to go upstairs and see if the night went as well as the day did.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Smile... Just Smile

A quick update:
Dad has had a very hard day today and for the last two weeks. He has been throwing up consistently. On Thursday, he was prescribed antibiotics because his symptoms had gotten so much worse early last week (scary high fevers, dramatic chills, nausea, low blood pressure, really high pulse rate, etc.). The last few nights he has slept better, the antibiotics seem to be helpful.

Mom is working on getting him the right amount of medicine (which is hard to track because he throws up a lot of it).

Yet, through it all, tonight he still smiles and says "Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow" and Mom and I find the humor in our poor mathematical ability/memory as we attempted to figure out how many ounces a 1000mL is... :) ah, silly American metric system.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'll Take Another IV Drip Bartender

For the last week, David has been nearly unable to keep down food or drinks of any sort (throwing up as much as three or four times a day and through the night). The consistent nausea and upset stomach have also increased his significant rib pain. Shanna and the nurses have worried about him being so dehydrated and so he has been hooked up to a saline IV drip a few times. Tomorrow, a home health nurse will come by the house to show us their way of hooking him up to an IV at home. (Shanna and David have been doing Vitamin C infusions for a long time now, so they are already quite knowledgeable on how to utilize an IV). Often tired and very uncomfortable, David hasn't been able to go to the pool or get out of his chair in the living room. Today, however, he has been in higher spirits despite all of the above. David has also had two blood infusions (total of one quart) due to a low red blood cell and iron count.

Katheryn and Patrick just got back from a little 4-day jaunt to Oahu. They had a blast hiking Diamond Head, snorkeling at the famous Hanauma Bay, touring downtown Honolulu's city life, seeing Waikiki and meeting up with old friends.

Aaron recently had a Taiko drum performance at a Bone Ceremony. He is a drumming natural and he is really enjoying being a part of this music team.

Andrea and Gordon have taken on a new title... Gordon now introduces himself as a "Coffee Farmer." They have planted a little grove of coffee on the hill side below their house and are both enjoying this labor-intensive hobby/enterprise.

Grandma Evey is doing much better after recovering from a really bad case of the flu.

Shanna is doing her best to get sleep, to stay relaxed, track medicine/fluid intake, and enjoy the sunsets. She is unbelievably adept at taking things in stride. We had a little birthday celebration for her last week with food grown in our garden (and brownies!). We just signed up for Netflicks so she's been really enjoying getting to watch movies that are hard to find at your local Blockbuster on the huge HDTV.

I will try to post pictures soon!

Thank you for your comments, love and concern. We read comments, emails, letters, etc. out-loud to David when he's awake. He is still not really up for phone calls most of the time, but we're hoping and praying for some improvement in the coming days. We'll keep you posted.

Love and Aloha,

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Continuation of Radiation (7/8/09)

Well the last week has seen considerable rib pain for David, as well as the continued buttocks pain.  He wasn't feeling well after eating and was throwing up often.  A fever rolled in and out over the course of a few days.  His appetite is lost as of recently.  Experimenting with pain medication has managed to get the rib pain mostly under control and has regulated the buttocks pain enough that he can now walk around the house with the aid of walker.  David and Shanna are both still going to the pool everyday after radiation which is a 5 day a week regimen.  They enjoy the weightlessness of the water for about 2 hours.  David is taking anti-nausea medicine to try to encourage an appetite but finds that the pills have little to no effect.  He rarely feels up to eating.  Most of his time is now spent in the living room, seated in the lazy boy recliner, which also doubles as his bed.  At night he is able to find some respite from the pain, and can get a fairly good sleep.  Chemotherapy is still on the once per week schedule.  The combination of Chemo and Radiation often makes him so tired that he sleeps 12 to 15 hours a day (or just snoozes).  Katheryn and Aaron have taken their turns escorting David to the pool, to give Shanna a day off from the tiring routine.  David generally doesn't feel well enough to talk much on the phone, and doesn't believe he can concentrate long enough to do e-mails on his own.  David has been having trouble with swelling in his ankles and feet, likely caused by his lack of movement during most of the day.  He feels that the nerves and muscles in his left leg have become "screwed up in various different ways".  The majority of the muscle mass in his thighs has diminished considerably, though not so much as to stop him from walking (with the walker) when the pain is tolerable.
Emotionally David feels f-l-a-t... or dull.  Emotionally we are all feeling that same dull, background ache, but we are joyous on those days when he is able to walk (like the first steps of a baby) or even if we catch that classic 'David Pettie' smile, on his face.  There are many things to be glad for.  Just like Pollyanna, we remember those things the most.
On other news, life in the lazy boy has become (within the last hour) considerably more engaging as David bought Shanna (and the family) a new 52" LCD HD T.V. which is... beautiful.  This in conjunction with the Unlimited plan from Netflix that Katheryn has signed us up for.  Katheryn spent the last few weeks being trained in and at one time leading the "English as a Second Language" course at MCC (our community college here).  Aaron has been getting bids from contractors for a new set of gutters on the newly built lanai roofs.  Bo has been maintaining the yards (no small task in the land where plants don't die, and nothing stops growing).
There is little time for really taking a moment and relaxing, but we do manage to slip them in occasionally.  Katheryn and Patrick went to Lahaina on the 4th to see the fireworks (brief in comparison to Richmond, or Minneapolis... or just about any other place in the US).  While Aaron missed the fireworks he did go to a party held in a vacant valley with no civilization for miles.  This followed by a trip to a secluded waterfall with a tight group of friends and then to church (also known as Little Beach) where he is often found on sundays (often being EVERY sunday)
Things have been steady and stable now for at least the past few days, and we look forward to more such days to come.  We still take each day as it is, and flow with it, in whatever direction it pushes and pulls.  It is the 'Pettie Way'.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sunny Summer

Thank you Seth and Liz for updating the blog while I (Katheryn) was skipping around Minneapolis.

Uncle George blessed us with another visit for about two weeks. You would all be so impressed with how native he looked while he worked around the property. He kept very busy (dirty and sweaty) chainsawing trees in the back field, maintaining yard gear, mowing, creating patios, and installing cabinets.

Patrick and I returned from MN a few weeks ago and have been keeping busy with property and business maintenance as well. Aaron and Trillium worked together to create a paint art project in the new downstairs yoga/exercise room. Aaron has also been devotedly working on a major garden in the back field. Trillium left Maui last night to visit her family in Sweden for the summer. We all already miss her sunny presence greatly! Luckily, she's planning on coming back in a few months.

Shortly after the May 9th blog entry, David had fevers that would come and go and he had lost his appetite along with 12lbs. Around that time, he started having a severe nerve pain that starts at his buttocks area. This pain has been so intense that movement hurts a great deal and he has not been able to walk for about a month. He has been attempting to manage the pain in the buttocks and other areas with morphine, hydromorphone and a few other pain killers. Last night, he tried a new pain killer that focuses on nerve pain and it has reduced the pain to a degree.

While George was here and shortly thereafter, the rest of David's body (other than the buttocks pain) was feeling excellent and his appetite was back.

David started radiation treatment 1 and 1/2 weeks ago from vertebrae T1-S1 (aprox. 3 inches wide by 6 inches long) in an attempt to reduce the nerve pain. He finished his 5th treatment yesterday. The treatment seems to make him pretty tired. For the past four days, he has also re-lost his appetite.

On a positive note, he and Shanna have been going to the pool five days a week after radiation treatment to get the blood moving and enjoy the water.

Have a sparkley 4th of July everyone and a happy summer!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Liz and Seth Love Hawaii

Seth and Liz here.  The usual poster is couch surfing on landlocked MN, while we are chilaxing in sunny beautiful Hawaii.  We've brought our triathlon training to town.  Seth is acting as a drill sergeant calling out orders for push ups and sprints.  Aaron is working with childhood buddy, Ollie, on building another porch.  Annie Mellan is visiting and working on her senior project.  She's snapped many great photos of Dave, which we hope to post soon.  Dave has had some pain return in the last few days.  He's feeling better today and is ranting about previous dealings with bureaucrats with vigor.  Seth started him on this topic.  (Dave adds that after he finishes ranting he always has plenty of nice stories to tell about bureaucrats as well.)  The new photos  are of the finished apartment and our seven mile run (go us!!) 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 5th

Aloha,   It's David again. May 5th.  When my brother George was here, one of his projects was to build the sauna.  We received the heater and door  after he left.  Aaron finished it and we have had our first sauna.
   The winter rains are we only have the spring rains.....which aren't as often.
    I'm feeling good.  My PSA went up a lot since last month.
    Patrick Laughlin will be going back to Minneapolis tomorrow for a month's  visit and work on his Mom's house.  Katheryn will join him for a 2 week visit.
   Seth and Liz will arrive on the 12th.  They will be in China for July and Aug. while he teaches.
  George will be returning to Maui the beginning of June.
  Vinh and Jill et all were here for a week in April.
  It's been really good for me to have so much good energy and prayers .  
  Shanna went back to Va. for 2 weeks to help with her Dad and Lumi. Andrea was also there for 3 weeks.  She's returning to Maui tomorrow.
  In love,
  David    :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Aloha, Tis David with my first attempt with writing on this blog.  It's Wed. the 8th.  I've been a little tired with a little stomach problem for a few days.  Emotionally flat......but with that all said, things are good.  No pain to speak of.....I'm stronger and mobile,  what a blessing.
    The winter rains are still with us.....rains and clears up about 15 times per day.
    Katheryn should be moving into her new garden apartment in our house this weekend.  They have been working on it for about 2 1/2 months .  
    George has been put to work hanging doors and trimming .  His next job is to put up the wood in the sauna.
    Katheryn will post some more pictures shortly.
    In Love,  David.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

David's Midlife Crisis....

Yes, you read the title right.... David is going through a mid-life crisis (for real this time... not like the time he bought his 4th Dodge Ram Van complete with a car TV and plush fold-down bed in the back, or the time he traveled across Europe for 2 months in an RV with 6 people, or the time he bought enormous bull horns as decorations for his living room)...

Please scroll to the photos below... Yes, that is the one and only, David/"Pretty Boy"... On a motorcycle... feeling the need for speed!

April Fools! (Ok, so I'm late on the draw...)
Actually, the motorcycle is not his. He was just trying it on for size. However, he thought the joke to be pretty funny, especially for Shanna. David may not be having another mid-life crisis, in fact, he seems to be a happy, well-adjusted parent ready to enter the modern age. To prove how hip with it he is, David has created a Facebook profile. If you have Facebook, he would love to have more friends, so look him up or give us a call.

In actual news, today David woke up feeling refreshed and renewed saying he felt like he had "slept like a baby." In retrospect, January was a hard month for David, February was a great month, March was still good, but a few of the uncomfortable symptoms had returned, and April is off to a good start.

Uncle George and Aunt Linda are visiting and have been helping with the building project downstairs.

We thank you for keeping up on our blog and we send our love, positive energy, appreciation, and blessings to all of you.

Happy April! Aloha.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

It's Spring, Why Isn't Anyone Mowing?

It has been rain, rain, rainy here.  I suppose one could contribute it to spring showers... or just a continuation of rainy season.  And with the rain, the grass, bushes, trees and flowers have grown like crazy.  And yesterday, after a long hiatus, David hopped on his lawn mower and was off for the afternoon mowing the many lawns and fields that connect our ohana here (his favorite chore).  He has been feeling pretty good and a little feisty.  He is tired today and has begun to worry that the positive results from the chemo may not continue forever.  Despite feeling a little tired from not sleeping well, David is feeling good enough to look into some paper work. 

Aaron has had his wisdom teeth removed and is recovering well after a few days of rest.  The renovation/building project continues to progress with bathroom tile and concrete patios as the current focus.    

Here are a few new photos, a random assortment we hope you'll enjoy.

Last Trivia:
Yes, B is the correct answer.  Our majestic Haleakala is 10,023 feet tall.

New Trivia:
What foreign car manufacturer has sold more cars in 2008 than ever before and hasn't been discussed on the news?

An Assortment of Recent Photos

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Haleakala Crater Hike

Last week Wednesday, Aaron, Seth, Phil, Patrick and I (Katheryn) decided to set out on a Haleakala camping adventure. We spent a day creating menus, shopping, organizing, finding warm clothes and preparing for our 20 mile hike (round trip) and night at the Ranger Cabin at the far end of the crater. A few of Patrick's fantastic pictures are below. We had a blast bonding before Seth and Phil returned to the Mainland, even with a rain/wind storm that pummeled us on our hike out.

Another week has passed since my last post and Dad continues to be his smiley, happy, whistling/singing self. His rib/chest pain comes now and then, along with head aches and sleep continues to be elusive, but he's as cheerful as ever.

Seth left last night having accomplished his epic coffee making challenge (to make coffee from the beans on our trees) and we are so glad that he was able to make it out here again for some more quality family time.

Phil, Aaron's friend, left today after helping us with many maintenance issues, the house addition project and lots of other odds and ends around the house.

Next up on our visitor calendar:
Gordon's family will be coming to celebrate his 85th birthday.
Uncle Ron and Aunt Rebecca will be arriving soon as well.

Last Trivia:
Sherry, you got it! Aquarius/Let the Sun Shine In was a medley of two songs from the musical Hair that debuted as a single in 1969 (what were you doing 40 years ago?).

Next Trivia:
What is the height of Haleakala (Maui's dormant volcano)?
A. 7, 980 feet
B. 10,023 feet
C. 12, 108 feet
D. Haleakala is far too majestic to measure.

Haleakala Crater Hike

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius! In case you didn't hear, Valentine's Day, 2009 was the official beginning of the Age of Aquarius when Jupiter aligns with Mars. And here on the farm, we have all been basking in the transformation Dad has undergone in the last two weeks. He is strong, vibrant, clear, loving, energetic and hilarious. Today, after surveying the property and determining future projects with Mom and Aaron, he and I (Katheryn) spent some quality time "in the office" working through the many ins and outs of the family business. His appetite is back, the pain is still mostly gone, and he was so thankful for his energy today. His next chemo therapy treatment is on Thursday. He does have an interesting thing happening to the skin on his face where little areas are scabbing, however, he still looks great and he has an appointment to get his skin checked soon.

The garden level renovation is going strong. We also cherished a week with Lumi, who traveled all the way from Virginia and filled our table with our favorite Puerto Rican specialties. Grandma Evey returned from her adventures on the East Coast last week and she's jumped back into her passion, singing and helping the St. John's Church festivities. We also enjoyed taking Sharon (Patrick Laughlin's mother) on adventure tours during her visit last week as she thawed out from the Minnesota winter.

Next Up on the Pettie Ohana Calendar:
We can't wait to see Seth on Friday! He'll be here for 10 days.
And Aaron's 22nd Birthday is on February 22 (Sunday).

The weather has been lovely and the energy here has been upbeat. On Valentine's Day, David, Shanna, and the rest of the family bonded listening to two of the island's most talented singers at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center. We hope you are all sharing your love and light daily with those you love.

Let the sun shine in!

Last Trivia:
What is a "Menehune?" Menehune are a mythological people in Hawaii who are said to be a small, hard-working people who have been known to build purposeful structures (like rock walls) for those who need their help. They are sort of like a Hawaiian version of worker Elves who make shoes in the middle of the night for the shoe maker.

Next Trivia:
What year did the song "Aquarius" get released? And what were you doing that year (if you know the song)?

Friday, February 6, 2009

It's Aloha Friday!

The house is bustling once again. Bear arrived last night from Whitefish, Montana. And David's brother and sister-in-law (George and Linda) have been getting the hang of life on Maui and here on the farm.

It's been on the chilly side for the last week (which of course means a range of 60 to 68 degrees), so we've been bundling up in our sweat shirts and blankets (hahahaha, sad but true).

Dad started chemo therapy on Monday and although he has been experiencing some of the side effects like nausea, he is happy with the treatment thus far because he is in much less pain and much more mobile than he was even 5 days ago. Five days ago he was having a lot of bone pain in his sternum/chest and it was very debilitating because so many muscles connect there. Today his eyes are clear and sparkly, his nausea is better than yesterday, and he's contemplating getting out on an adventure.

Again, Dad wants to thank you all for your wonderful support! He is so appreciative of all of you. Check out our latest slide show of our family project. We're renovating our house, adding a lower level, and we're doing it Pettie style.

Last Trivia:
Sorry if that was too hard. I just liked it because of what the phrase means. Cheri, once again, you were on the right track.
"Ola Kino Maika'i" means "Good Health" in Hawaiian.

New Trivia:
What is a Menehune?
A. A delicious tropical fish with a delicate flavor often served in luau fare.
B. A pint-sized mysterious people from Hawaiian mythology who build structures in the middle of the night.
C. A specialized coral species that thrive in calm, tropical waters and are particularly abundant in the off-shore reefs on Maui's South side.

House Renovation - It's a family affair

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Night in the Hospital

Thank you all for your comments!  Since Linh and Tina left last week there have been a few interesting plot twists.  First of all, we are excited and looking forward to our next visitors.  

On the Calendar are:
George & Linda: January 31 - Feb. 11
Bear: February 5 - Feb. 8
Sharon: February 9 - Feb. 16
Grandma Evey: returns to home Feb. 11
Lumi: considering coming in Feb.
Seth: February 20 - March 2

So, the Ohana clan is pretty well booked up until March.  March and April are still relatively free if anyone else would like to come visit (just call the social coordinator, Shanna, first). 

On Friday, Mom and Dad had a call from his doctor urging him to come in for a series of tests.  His CT scan showed that he has one blocked kidney and the doctors were worried that the blocked kidney could lead to sepsis in the blood (which could be very very serious and fatal).  So, Mom, Dad, and I (Katheryn) got Dad set up in a hospital room to begin the tests at 11:00am on Friday.  After a few of the tests had come back negative, a Urologist came into the room and was surprised to see how good Dad looked (normally someone with an infection in blood would've looked much worse).  After a long discussion, the Urologist told us that a surgery to unblock the kidney would involve an external tube that would be there for life and he just didn't think Dad was showing any signs of an infection and therefore wouldn't need this surgery.  We were all so thankful for this Urologist (because the other doctors remained worried that there could be a problem and wanted to continue with the surgery).  Despite the Urologists decision to not do the surgery, the other doctor requested that Dad stay in the hospital overnight.  So, Mom and I stayed with him until visitor hours ended and Mom came back early the next morning to keep him company.  Dad was released from the hospital on Saturday at 1:00pm.  

I am so glad we're out of the hospital!  Hospitals don't feel healthy.  We're grateful to begin to be back on track today with healthy foods and the comforts of home.  Dad has some nausea today but he is doing alright.  Dad has begun to utilize medical marijuana through a special vaporizer (so he doesn't inhale any tar) to work on his pain and nausea.  So far, he's had good results with it.  He is still experimenting with the dosage, but his hope is that he'll be able to take much less Morphine and nausea pills by using the medical marijuana.  

Dad's primary doctor understands that he really doesn't want to do chemo therapy (taxol)..... however, Dad has recently decided that he will give it a try for Shanna.  He will see how the side effects work on him and whether that will determine whether or not he continues with it.

Aaron, Patrick Mellan (long time family friend), Patrick Laughlin (my boyfriend), and Aaron's friend Phil, are all busy working on finishing the underneath of the house (turning it into an apartment, an office, a sauna, and workout space).   

Last Trivia:
I read all of your guesses to Dad.  And you are all very right in guessing some of his favorite foods (canned peaches, pickles & brine, ice cream, bananas, etc.).  The weirdest food Dad has craved has been canned spaghetti.  However, he would like me to note that by the next morning he was no longer interested in canned spaghetti (a passing craze).  

Next Trivia:
Take a guess at a Hawaiian phrase.
What does "Ola Kino Maika'i" mean?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Hard Week & Two Wonderful Guests

Linh and Tina (Dad's nieces) arrived on Thursday and they brought a torrential wind/monsoon with them.  Wind gusts up to 60 miles an hour, palm fronds flying like missiles, rain coming in sideways, and of course many many rainbows.  The storm has cleared today and the peace has returned. 

Over the last week, Dad has entered a different stage in his symptoms.  He has been much much weaker, more tired, nauseated, feverish, chills, and has more painful spots.  He is taking a long-term Morphine as well as Vicodin and a strong anti-nausea medicine as needed.  He is anemic and likely has a mouth infection as well.  Mom is doing her best to get nutrients and minerals in him any way she can.  He is still doing the Vitamin C therapy.  It has been extremely helpful having Linh here because as a P.A. she has a lot of knowledge and clout in convincing Dad to get new tests and consider antibiotics. 

It has been a harder week for us emotionally, but we have a really strong support system set up here and we appreciate all of you for your support from a far.  

Dad has laughed a lot as we reminisce and Linh and Tina tell stories about their lovely families and hilarious kids.  

Last Trivia:
Cheri!  You got the answer exactly right!  James McCord was Isabel's (Dad's mom) boss when she worked for the CIA in Germany.  Later he started his own company and was the main person that led to Watergate (the way Dad described it, "he hired the Cubans").  

Next Trivia:
What do you think the weirdest food Dad has craved over the last few weeks has been (keeping in mind that for the last year he has been living almost primarily on organic, mostly vegetarian food, and mostly unprocessed food)?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Check out our family pictures!

The photos in our slideshow were taken after Christmas of our Maui ohana at Baldwin Beach. Andrew, our talented photographer, helped stage us for our family photos.

In the group pictures (in a variety of positions): Dad, Mom, Aaron, Seth, Katheryn, Patrick, Andrea, Gordon, Andrew, Winying, and Trillium.

Dad is taking the long-term morphine again and continues to have fevers and nausea that come and go as well as general weakness/feeling tired. But his spirits remain high and we ask you to continue to pray for healing, strength, and clarity.

Answer to last trivia:
Dad asked me to revise the trivia question. Rather than using the word hero, he would say the following are some of the top six people he admires (in recent history).

Within the U.S. in recent history:
Ralph Nader
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Ross Perot

Outside the U.S.:
Nelson Mandela
Mikhail Gorbachev

Next Trivia:
* Isabel's (David's mom) CIA boss in the 1950's in Germany became notorious after retiring from the CIA and starting his own security consulting firm in Washington D.C. Who was he and why did he become notorious?

Christmas 2008

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New You!

Happy New Year!

What a day to bring in the new year!  January 1, 2009.  Dad is having a great day, he's chipper and sassy and full of life.  After a rainy few weeks, this morning we woke up to the brightest, clearest, most spectacular, beautiful day.  The mountains were illuminated, our farm... brilliant in green and adorned in flower and fruit accents.  

Aaron, Andrew, Wenying and Trillium brought in the new year with a bon fire and playing night frisbee with a multi-lit frisbee and head lamps.  Patrick and I went out cruising around the island looking for adventure.  Seth made it safely to the airport, full of delicious Korean BBQ.  

Dad has had fevers that come and go, body chills, and some pain in his ribs over the last few days, but his energy is higher today.  

We welcome this year with open arms and excitement for new adventures!  

Answer to the last trivia:
The last time a volcano erupted on Maui was in 1790.  

*New Trivia:*
Name one person you think would be one of David's heros.