Tuesday, August 4, 2009

And the Wheel Turns

I think I'm just going to have to write quick updates nearly every day... because everything seems to change that quickly.

Yesterday, Aug. 3, Dad was infinitely better. It's pretty amazing actually. He went to IHOP after going to see the radiation doctor. He was very coherent and clear minded. He was funny and social and talkative. He wasn't in much pain or very nauseated and he didn't have a fever. A perfectly normal 98.6 (which is cause to celebrate in this house). It was heaven.

We all (Katheryn, Aaron, Patrick, and Mom) all ate dinner with him in the bedroom and stayed up talking and hanging out till 1:00am.

Dad is trying out his vaporizer (for medical marijuana) again and seeing how that feels. Today Dad will be going to see his naturpath/acupuncturist. I'm about to go upstairs and see if the night went as well as the day did.

1 comment:

  1. Just checking in and so happy to read about a good day for all!
    Please know how much we appreciate the recent updates.
    Thanks, K, for helping us stay updated on each of you.
    Big hugs all around!
