Friday, August 14, 2009

Aloha Friday

David's Comfort-o-Meter:
Sunday was grrreat!
Monday was ok/pretty good.
Tuesday was ok/less good.
Wednesday was more uncomfortable/lethargic.
Thursday was much more nauseated/uncomfortable.
Friday is very very sad stomach/not at all good feeling night/morning.

David threw up many times yesterday and last night he's been throwing up about on the hour despite taking nausea medicines. He has thrush and it's possible that candida throughout the system may be causing the extreme nausea. Even when he's done throwing up, he still feels like a horse kicked him in the stomach. Shanna is working on getting some yogurt and coconut milk in him to combat the fungus and dehydration. He currently feels a needle-like pain in his shoulder. He has also been told that his veins are collapsing, making it more difficult to give him an IV. The seemingly endless nausea/throwing up has dampened David's spirits considerably. It's hard to wonder if it will ever stop and not being confidently told, yes, you will feel better after this is over is understandably depressing.

George arrived on a rainy Tuesday afternoon. He has been accompanying David to his hospital visits. Yesterday, Shanna, David and George all enjoyed a beautiful, calm afternoon at the beach. As always, it's wonderful to have George helping out around the house and his humor enlivening the spirits on the farm.

Patrick (Laughlin) has been very busy remodeling Aunt Andrea's kitchen; demo work, changing walls, installing new lighting, outlets, etc., hanging drywall, and working hard to make her workspace the kitchen of her dreams.

Aaron has been working on the back deck and finishing up the siding project on the main house.

Katheryn has been busy preparing to teach three ESL classes that begin next week.

Three movies we watched in the last week:
1. Pirates of Penzance (We love this goofy musical).
2. Across the Universe (Very interesting, if you like the Beatles and the 1960s, you'll enjoy).
3. King Corn (Good documentary on America's shift to diet of corn, through corn sweeteners, corn-fed meat, and corn additives in processed food).


  1. Reading brings me close but unable to share any of the burden is difficult. Praying and loving you all,

  2. Thinking of you all constantly. We pray for better days ahead.
    So much love,
    Linh & Bear

  3. Love, Light, Prayers, and Compassion to All of You, each and every day. Really wish I was there to give You All a hug....

    Thank You for the regular (and humourous! in the midst of it all) updates on the website ~ it feels so valuable, especially now when I am 'far away' and in an odd time zone..

    The bravery of David ~ and his beautiful family ~
    is... unfathomable. Big Love and Hugs to You, Trillium

  4. DEAR Friends,

    Thank you for David's Comfort-O-Meter ! What a GREAT way to describe the different days !

    Sending healing thoughts and loving energy and wishes for digestive peace and ease.

    And GLAD that George with his gentle humor and ready smile and helping hands is there.

    Berny and I feel privileged to know both of these wonderful brothers !

    And best wishes to you, Katheryn, as you get ready to teach your classes. I'm certain that you will be GREAT !

    And I remember that the first time I saw the movie of Pirates of Penzance, it was with Shanna and Cheri (and maybe David?) It was certainly a lot of years ago !

    Someone recently recommended the animated film "UP" to me. I don't really know much about it, though.


    Martha and Berny
