Monday, March 9, 2009

It's Spring, Why Isn't Anyone Mowing?

It has been rain, rain, rainy here.  I suppose one could contribute it to spring showers... or just a continuation of rainy season.  And with the rain, the grass, bushes, trees and flowers have grown like crazy.  And yesterday, after a long hiatus, David hopped on his lawn mower and was off for the afternoon mowing the many lawns and fields that connect our ohana here (his favorite chore).  He has been feeling pretty good and a little feisty.  He is tired today and has begun to worry that the positive results from the chemo may not continue forever.  Despite feeling a little tired from not sleeping well, David is feeling good enough to look into some paper work. 

Aaron has had his wisdom teeth removed and is recovering well after a few days of rest.  The renovation/building project continues to progress with bathroom tile and concrete patios as the current focus.    

Here are a few new photos, a random assortment we hope you'll enjoy.

Last Trivia:
Yes, B is the correct answer.  Our majestic Haleakala is 10,023 feet tall.

New Trivia:
What foreign car manufacturer has sold more cars in 2008 than ever before and hasn't been discussed on the news?


  1. Hmm... I'll say Kia.

    - Seth

  2. HI Guys,
    been a while since I posted. Love to get the good news from you though. Really appreciate this venue.
    I could nearly smell the coffee brewing.
    I am delighted that David is whistling and riding the mower. I knew that he would rebound, and know he will continue. Spring is trying to sneak in here, a little snow today tried to scare it off.
    hugs and love to you all,

  3. Aaron has our sympathy!!

    And I think the car manufacturer is Subaru. At least up here in cold country they are doing pretty well with their four-wheel drive cars! May be different where you are!


    Martha & Berny

  4. I guessing Buick! Just heard this am that they were the number one car for something :-)
