Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Hard Week & Two Wonderful Guests

Linh and Tina (Dad's nieces) arrived on Thursday and they brought a torrential wind/monsoon with them.  Wind gusts up to 60 miles an hour, palm fronds flying like missiles, rain coming in sideways, and of course many many rainbows.  The storm has cleared today and the peace has returned. 

Over the last week, Dad has entered a different stage in his symptoms.  He has been much much weaker, more tired, nauseated, feverish, chills, and has more painful spots.  He is taking a long-term Morphine as well as Vicodin and a strong anti-nausea medicine as needed.  He is anemic and likely has a mouth infection as well.  Mom is doing her best to get nutrients and minerals in him any way she can.  He is still doing the Vitamin C therapy.  It has been extremely helpful having Linh here because as a P.A. she has a lot of knowledge and clout in convincing Dad to get new tests and consider antibiotics. 

It has been a harder week for us emotionally, but we have a really strong support system set up here and we appreciate all of you for your support from a far.  

Dad has laughed a lot as we reminisce and Linh and Tina tell stories about their lovely families and hilarious kids.  

Last Trivia:
Cheri!  You got the answer exactly right!  James McCord was Isabel's (Dad's mom) boss when she worked for the CIA in Germany.  Later he started his own company and was the main person that led to Watergate (the way Dad described it, "he hired the Cubans").  

Next Trivia:
What do you think the weirdest food Dad has craved over the last few weeks has been (keeping in mind that for the last year he has been living almost primarily on organic, mostly vegetarian food, and mostly unprocessed food)?


  1. Liz and I think canned peaches... but that's not very weird at all. A hotdog and pickles maybe?

  2. i would say hands down ice cream, i have never seen a man sit down and plow through a 1/2 gallon on a regular basis like i have u.d. (uncle dave)

  3. So glad to be able to connect through this blog. so glad that Dave is surrounded by the love of so many.
    I would guess dill pickles or even a hot dog.

  4. Bear made me smile with his comment. So true. And Seth's guess about maybe pickles reminded me of how, years ago, David would drink all the brine/juice once the pickles in a jar were eaten. Only man I know who could do that.

    Is he craving pickle juice again?

  5. Revised guess -- with all that vitamin C (is he getting it in the form of ascorbic acid?) coursing thru his body, my pickle juice guess is probably completely off base.

    Is he craving something very basic? (pun intended)

    On a deeper, more basic level, I join Tarey and many others who are praying daily for all of you.

  6. Ive seen Seth down a jar of pickles & brine, so there are 2 of them :)

    I'm guessing burger & fries. With ketchup.

    David is one blessed guy to be surrounded by so many family. It's a comfort to us far away that he's in such great care.

    We're hoping for a peaceful inaugural lovefest tomorrow. Police are everywhere. Baltimore police are camped out at AU, so we in Glover Park have not escaped the excitement.

    Hugs to all.

  7. Hope you guys are having a wonderful Maui morning. I hear you had a Lost watching marathon last night. We are going to watch the series premier Friday night. We have to set up Skype and have a Lost theory conference this weekend.

    Miss you guys,


  8. My first guess was that he was craving something fried, but after that I went to salami.

    And thank you again, SO MUCH, for the Christmas pictures! It is so lovely to see them! Lovely to see every one of your wonderful faces!

    And we are sending you loving thoughts from here!

    Martha (and Berny)

  9. My first guess is something fried, and then I went to salami! Whatever it is, I wish Dave pleasure and mouth-happiness in it!

    And THANK YOU again for the pictures! It is SO LOVELY to see all your wonderful faces! What a beautiful family! What a beautiful Ohana!

    Love to you from here!

    Martha & Berny
