Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Welcome Home

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wow! The Pettie/Binkley Ohana has joined the big wide world of bloggers! December has been a busy month, filled with ups and downs, spins, leaps, hugs, smiles, and amazing coincidences. Patrick and I arrived on majestic Maui on Dec. 9th and its been fantastic to be back. Everything is ripe and ready for picking. The stars are brighter than ever. And rainbows are a daily reminder of the beauty and light here that make colors pop.

Seth flew in for the holidays and the family has been busy challenging each other to games of pictionary and boggle, going on walks along the northside cliffs and to the southside beaches, and soon will be trekking into the Haleakala Crater.

David (Dad, Daddio, Mr. Pettie, the Banana Man, Pappy) is now working with a wonderful healer and M.D. acupuncturist named Malik.  We are all so grateful for those of you who helped connect us to him.  We are living each day in optimism and working to bring harmony within our body and in our surroundings. 

We can't wait for our Upcoming Guests:
Linh & Tina will be visiting January 15 - 18.  

Merry Christmas to you and your families and all of our extended ohana around the world.  
Aloha, Katheryn 

A Limerick from Seth:

Little sister from snowy MN
Accidentally voted for Coleman
Her ballot recounted,
Coleman's win unfounded!
...and she swears Franken's oval was filled in

1.  How many organic fruit varieties are currently growing on Nohea Hana Lima (aka. the Farm, we named it Nohea Hana Lima because it means "beautiful work of the hands")?

2.  Which common tropical fruit currently growing on the Farm has the highest level of Vitamin C? 

Stay tuned for answers. :)


  1. For #2 I think it's guava

  2. From the Bub...

    Thanks for sharing through the blogosphere. No rainbows here, but Portland has been graced with light poofy snow for the last week. It's a rare White Christmas and winter wonderland.

    1. 23 organic fruit varieties.
    2. Are Goji berries tropical? If so, that's my answer. If not, howabout strawberry guavas.

    Merry Christmas,

    Bubby Reno

  3. P.S. Does Seth's limerick confirm that Franken has won Minneosota (despite Kip's vote)?

  4. Hello All,
    It was a lovely warmish (40's) day in DC for Christmas. My favorite card was the one with Obama on it from Tim!!! What a smile! He sure has a big job on his hands but we are ready to roll up our sleeves when he asks us!
    My favorite gift (given) was the goat we sent to a family somewhere through Heifer Int'l. We decided to rethink the gift idea and this is the direction we like.
    Hope to see you in the early spring!

  5. Thanks for starting this blog. Sorry I'm not great at Hawaii trivia -- but I am curious. Do let us know the "correct" answers.
    Speaking of "correct" --> I enjoy vegging out with Sudoko puzzles when I can't sleep. There's such a black-and-whiteness to them. Only one correct answer fits. No gray. Methodical yes/no calculations leave no room for other musings to flit into my monkey mind. Can't always get the answer to the Saturday and Sunday newspaper Sudokos, but there's comfort in knowing that one does exist. For some reason, that helps induce sleep in me.
    And speaking of sleep -- think I'm finally on a regular schedule again. Flew in from Laos, arriving Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 23. Went right to bed and woke up at 10 p.m. Tuesday night. Stayed awake till 11 p.m. Christmas Eve. Woke up at 3 p.m. on Christmas Day. Forced myself to stay awake 24 hours again, so woke up at 4:30 a.m. today after going to bed at 3:30 pm yesterday. That's an improvement.
    May all of you be blessed with healing, restful sleep in this season of lengthening days. This is the season of the re-entry of light -- rest easy in the knowledge that your friends are sending lots of it your way.
